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Location:Home > Products > Distribution Electrical > Surge Protector / SPD > NQSP2Z Surge Protector

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Surge Protector
DC250V/DC500V/DC800V/DC1000V 10KA/20KA/40KA 2P/3P DC SPD DC Surge Protector
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    Product Introduction

    NQSP2Z series high-throughput modular surge protector is suitable for lightning surge overvoltage protection of DC power system, and is used to protect the electrical and electronic equipment on the DC side of the inverter from lightning electromagnetic pulse induced voltage, operation transient and resonance (<100µs) ) overvoltage effects. Widely used in power supply systems such as communication equipment, electric power, security, transportation, industrial control, etc., to protect the power grid due to lightning strikes or surge overvoltages, and can discharge a maximum of 40KA lightning strike current. The shell is designed to be installed on a 35mm electrical rail. The detachment device can automatically detach it from the grid, and at the same time the status indicator window turns from green to red.

    Based on specific varistors, common mode and differential mode protection are provided, and the design complies with UL1449ed4 and EC61643-31 product test standards.


    Photovoltaic systems must take into account the risk of lightning:

    1. Due to the exposure characteristics of the photovoltaic array installation location, the risk of direct lightning strike is high;

    2. There are multiple risks: direct lightning strikes (direct strikes on photovoltaic panels) indirectly affect photovoltaic modules, combiner boxes, inverters, etc. [surge effects] direct strikes or surge effects on other line signal lines];

    3. It is necessary to consider the operation loss caused by lightning strikes and other accidents, especially in the application environment of high-power power generation;

    4. When the photovoltaic system is located in an industrial field application, the risk of operating overvoltage must also be considered;

    5. The risk level is directly related to the ground flash density and the exposure degree of local lines. 


    Model Meaning

    Normal working conditions

      • Ambient air temperature: - 40°C~+85°C
      • The relative humidity of the air is not more than 95%
      • The inclination to the vertical plane does not exceed 5°
      • Without significant shaking and shock vibration
      • Non-explosive medium, and there is no gas and dust (including conductive dust) in 
      • the medium that is sufficient to corrode metals and damage insulation




    1. NQSP2 Datasheet

    PDF file (click to view)